Said Bellach
Teamleader Assembly Workshop
Said Bellach's evolution from childhood curiosity to Senior Workshop Engineer at Alphatron Marine reflects his electronics passion, seen in console assembly and personal device repair.

Childhood fascination
As a child Said Bellach was already fascinated by electronics. He started to repair transistor radios at the age of eight. When he came to support the team of Alphatron Marine in 2008, he felt at home from the very first moment. “Here in the electronic repair workshop of the Center of Excellence in Rotterdam, I am surrounded by electronics, I am challenged,” tells Said Bellach with a big smile.
Said is Senior Workshop Engineer. He and his team of the workshop in Rotterdam start early at 7.00 AM. “Most of our work consists of the assembling of consoles. Here we build and test the consoles. We put all components together. The only thing that needs to be done aboard is connecting the cable. And of course we regularly have a rush job. For instance, sometimes they need extra equipment for a trial the next day. There is never a dull moment at the workshop!” explains Said.
Love for electronics
His love for electronics doesn’t stop at the workshop. “When I’m home I’m always repairing things... phones, laptops, you name it. It’s a hobby that got out of hand! Nowadays, I try to do only phones because I take up a lot of space with my hobby. And it’s already crowded at my home in Schoonhoven,” Said tells. “I live together with my lovely wife, two daughters and two sons.
Freedom in creating
An important issue for Said is freedom in creating. “For me, it is of great value to think along in developing products. To have freedom in creating. That’s what makes Alphatron Marine special to me. Here we make something from nothing, we are challenged to innovate. And that’s what I like most about my work,” concludes Said Bellach.