12 April 2022
The best possible service support

The service department at JRC | Alphatron Marine’s head office in Rotterdam processes hundreds of phone calls and emails every week. With engineering and research departments nearby, the service department employees can answer the most complex questions and problems in the shortest possible time. We asked Service Coordinators Yanniek Poerschke and Maaike Rijnders how they can provide customers with the best possible service support every day.
“At JRC | Alphatron Marine, we have a broad portfolio of customer support and after-sales services,” says Yanniek Poerschke. “We offer maintenance services, but we also provide the necessary certification for radars and tachographs, for example. We receive many requests for this every day. We try to schedule service visits for customers when they are already on the quayside, so that they do not lose any extra time.” But even when the customer is not around, or during busy periods, the Service Coordinators do everything they can to keep the response time as short as possible. Maaike Rijnders: “During the winter months, we receive many requests at the same time from passenger shipping, especially from Germany, France and Austria. Many ships are stationary and the shipping companies use this period to carry out work and maintenance. This also includes a general check of the equipment. Thanks to our network of foreign offices and service partners, we can always and everywhere give our customers the service they deserve.”
Resolving problems
The service department is also the point of contact if there are problems with equipment. Maaike Rijnders: “We always discuss a problem with one of our engineers. They quickly understand what is going on and what is needed to solve the problem. We then ensure that the engineers can set off as well prepared as possible, because we prefer to solve the problem in one go.” A ship can often continue to sail because it has backup equipment, for example a second radar. “If that is not the case, we will ensure that a loan unit is quickly brought on board. While our colleagues are carrying out the repair here in the repair center, the ship can continue its route,” says Yanniek Poerschke.
The Service Coordinators are involved in an order from A to Z. “From creating an order to invoicing. That makes it clear for us, but especially for our engineers and for the customer, with one central point of contact. It is sometimes a puzzle to get everyone with the right parts, at the right time, in the right place, but that is actually the best challenge! Ultimately, it is our goal that we take care of our customers,” concludes Yanniek Poerschke.
The service department of JRC | Alphatron Marine can be reached via: +31 10 453 40 77