
Do you want to follow training at a place and time that is convenient for you? JRC and Alphatron Marine offer you online elearning courses. You will have access to information and etraining regardless of location, exactly what you need to ensure your skills are up to date. When the theoretical part of the online training course is completed, you will meet your instructor and other learners either in an online classroom, and/or in a face-to-face classroom, depending on the specific course. Assessments and exams will be part of the program, these will be offered to you online or offline.

If you would like any further information about our Online Training Academy or how etraining or classroom training from JRC | Alphatron Marine can benefit your organization? Please get in touch with our training department via training@jrc-world.com.

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    Studielast: 4 uur

    Jotron TRON 40AIS - 60AIS - 40VDR AIS

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    Study load: 20 hours

    Alphapilot MFM - Advanced

    • AlphaPilot MFM
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    Study load: 5 hours

    Fixed Piloting Unit

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    Study load: 5 hours

    Ships & shipping

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