5 February 2020
Alphatron Marine is enlarging its presence in the field of Maritime Closed Circuit Television systems.

Based upon more than 30 years of experience in the field and the ongoing demand for intelligent CCTV systems on board of all kinds of vessels, Alphatron Marine has extended its portfolio with intelligent camera solutions. Next to offering proprietary analog AlphaCam cameras, Alphatron Marine partners up with Hikvision, a provider of innovative IP security products and solutions.
Alphatron Marine has applied the use of smart algorithms and advanced technologies in order to provide the newly developed Heat Detection system (AlphaHeatDetectionSystem). This thermal imaging based solution is applied to perimeter defense and fire-prevention purposes and helps to identify these hazardous situations in an early stage, even when (partly) covered or in heavy rain.
Other applications of these new technologies include advanced facial recognition for gangway access, trailer identification for harbor terminals, and more – all contained in state of the art cyber security networks.
JRC/Alphatron Marine
Vince van den Belt
Schaardijk 23
3063 NH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
E v.vandenbelt@alphatronmarine.com