14 August 2023
VHF regulations postponed until 2028

We would like to provide you with an important update regarding the new VHF regulations that were originally scheduled to come into effect on January 1, 2024. These regulations have now undergone a significant alteration, extending the implementation timeline by an additional four years. This means that the changes stipulated in the regulations will not be enforced until January 1, 2028.
As you might recall, the initial announcement detailed the requirement for all VHFs to comply with the provisions outlined in Appendix 18 of the Radio Regulations. This included the availability of 4-digit channels on fixed VHFs onboard. Notably, older models such as JHS-32A/B were not going to be supported, while models like JHS-770S/780D were subject to support based on their software version. JHS-800S, on the other hand, was already compliant with Appendix 18.
However, we have received updates from CIRM (Comité International Radio-Maritime) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) that suggest a reconsideration of the implementation timeline. After careful consideration and extensive discussions within NCSR 10 (IMO's Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue), it has been concluded that a 4-year delay is appropriate for the continued installation of VHF, MF & MF/HF, and Inmarsat-C installations conforming to the existing standards. This extension will allow for a smoother transition and adaptation to the new performance standards.
It's important to note that this revised timeline is based on a thorough analysis of the issues affecting both new GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) equipment and existing VHF equipment. These issues have been identified as distinct, with different underlying causes leading to delays. Therefore, the alignment of the delay dates for the two categories of equipment is not deemed necessary.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation considering these regulatory developments. We remain committed to ensuring a seamless transition and continued compliance with evolving industry standards. For more details or any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.