Alphatron Marine杂志
凭借新的国际形象,我们希望沟通和分享Alphatron Marine和JRC新闻,展示我们的创新理念和交付业绩,并告知我们在全球的位置和服务。 当然,我们也会为我们尊贵的客户和商业伙伴提供更多了解我们的渠道。
Issue 12
In this twelfth issue, we take a moment to celebrate 30 years of Alphatron Marine and look back on how it all started. You can also read more about a variety of our new products like the JMA-3400 radar, JMR-611 radar and JHS-800S VHF. We introduce the new Division Manager for JRC Europe: Jelmer Domela Nieuwenhuis. We will also introduce the new Business Development Department and how they will take a step closer to the customer.
In the eleventh issue, you will read more about the American market and the challenges we find there. You will also read more about our Maintenance Contracts department and how they keep ships 100% operational. We will also tell you more about our latest innovations: AlphaMINDS and LYNX. These innovations give you complete control over your ship and you can easily monitor and control all your equipment.